
Save the Stress: Sump Pump Basics

Understanding how your sump pump works and how to maintain it is an easy way to prevent water damage in your home. This post covers what a sump pump does and how to maintain it.

The Lowdown on Insurance Deductibles

Have you ever looked through your insurance policy and felt like you were reading another language? Understanding insurance terminology might seem intimidating, but we're working on changing that. Let

Why did my insurance company cancel my policy?

Insurance policies can be cancelled for a variety of reasons, either by the customer or their insurer, depending on the circumstances. If you’re wondering why your policy may have been cancelled or how you can prevent a policy cancellation, take a look at the top three reasons why an insurance company might need to cancel your coverage.

Water Damage – Are You Covered?

Communities across Canada are experiencing more extreme weather conditions than ever before and seeing a rise in damaging wind and rain-related storms.

Does Your Home Policy Include Flood Insurance?

Most Canadians assume that their homeowners insurance covers all types of water damage including flood. When a pipe bursts or a toilet overflows, in just a matter of minutes the damage can be extensive and costly to repair.

It’s Flood Season

>We have seen one of the most harsh “good ole Canadian winters” in a long time this year.