Commercial Insurance – Non-Profits

With the public interest on the line, non-profit organizations (NPOs) are under intense pressure to deliver high-quality services on lean budgets. An organization’s financial well being is at risk of being destabilized by unexpected costs — asset losses, uncovered liabilities, and even lawsuits. Although NPOs are mandated to put the public good above financial gain, they are still exposed to liability risks from donors, employees, clients, suppliers, vendors, government agencies and anyone else they do business with.

Whitley Newman Insurance offers customized insurance programs to protect non-profits from a wide range of risk exposures, including damage to property and equipment, employee dishonesty, abuse liability, cyber liability, malpractice liability, and Directors’ and Officers’ (D&O) liability. Our in-house experts understand that every dollar is earmarked for additional services, not uninsured losses. To that end, we leverage strong relationships with insurance providers to offer our clients the most comprehensive coverage at preferred rates.

In addition to helping our non-profit clients, Whitley Newman Insurance is committed to being a good corporate citizen and supports NPOs within the broader community. To that end, we encourage our staff to both volunteer and raise awareness for diverse organizations, and host educational and networking opportunities for NPOs. Like any other organization, non-profits must manage their risks in order to be sustainable over time. Contact us today to find out how we can create a customized insurance program that protects your organization from financial threats, both today and in the future.